Monday, March 21, 2016

My Schedule

I’ve had a couple of busy months working with people in Illinois, Kentucky, Virginia, Indiana, Texas, Maryland, New Jersey, Idaho, California, New Jersey, Montana, Florida, Wisconsin, Connecticut, and the federal system.

And hey, bail insurance dudes, since you seem to like following me around, in the next couple of months I’ll be in Arizona, Colorado (yeah, I live here, but occasionally I travel across the state to spread the bail/no bail gospel), Ohio, Tennessee, Alabama, Wisconsin, Kansas, Missouri, and Texas. That doesn’t count the phone calls and emails from everywhere else.

Bail agents, this is just my puny schedule, and there are plenty more people like me going around the country and basically saying the same things that I say. And you should realize that wherever I go, I see that the bail insurance lobbyists are doing you absolutely no favors. They’re using the same flawed research, the same tired arguments, and the same threats of chaos to try to keep people who want to change from actually changing, and it’s just not sitting well.

On their websites, the bail insurance folks will issue “statements” about this and that, and they’ll trumpet what they think are victories. By the way, there’s nothing historic about what they did in New Mexico to the proposed constitutional amendment – the historic part would have been the part they muddled up – and forcing criminal justice people to accept bad language with the threat of killing the bill only causes animosity. Pushing an agenda on the people by nosing around the legislature isn’t historic; it’s the only way the insurance lobbyists can get anything done. In fact, they did practically the same thing in Colorado. The insurance company guy was there when we passed the 2013 changes to our bail statute. He didn’t like any of it, and made a pretty confusing statement in front of one of our committees, but ultimately he testified as being neutral and tried to spin it to bail agents as some sort of great victory and compromise.

Bail agents, you should realize that the insurance lobbyists claim to be acting in your interest, but they’re failing miserably and leaving ill will in their wake. And if you keep letting them speak for you, your industry will fail as well.