Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Bail Insurance Companies Insult Connecticut Sentencing Commission

This is becoming a trend. On December 11, bail insurance company lobbyists wrote to the Connecticut Sentencing Commission and said, "As always, we look forward to assisting the Commission in any way we can as you continue your work in the service to the state."

Then, on December 14, the same bail insurance company lobbyists called the Connecticut Sentencing Commission a "kangaroo court" that "suffers from amnesia" and "rubber stamps" policies of their "lame duck" Governor.

Wow. Either something happened in those three days, or it's just more of the schizophrenic babbling of an insurance industry that doesn't quite know what to do. Well, in any event, you all should know that people on the Commission have seen the insults and don't appreciate them.

Hey, insurance dudes, didn't you watch Kingsman?

I mean, it's just bad manners.